The Thirteen People Who Build the Graphic Culture of Contemporary Japan
The Thirteen People Who Build the Graphic Culture of Contemporary Japan
The Thirteen People Who Build the Graphic Culture of Contemporary Japan
The Thirteen People Who Build the Graphic Culture of Contemporary Japan
The Thirteen People Who Build the Graphic Culture of Contemporary Japan
The Thirteen People Who Build the Graphic Culture of Contemporary Japan
The Thirteen People Who Build the Graphic Culture of Contemporary Japan
The Thirteen People Who Build the Graphic Culture of Contemporary Japan
The Thirteen People Who Build the Graphic Culture of Contemporary Japan
The Thirteen People Who Build the Graphic Culture of Contemporary Japan

The Thirteen People Who Build the Graphic Culture of Contemporary Japan

Faces Publications
$23.00 USD

An anthology of Idea magazine’s interviews, The Taiwanese edition of “The Thirteen People Who Build the Graphic Culture of Contemporary Japan”. The Taiwanese graphic designer, Wang Zhi-Hong designed the book.

Featured Designer:
Kaoru Kasai, Kazunari Hattori, Tatsuya Ariyama, Nobuhiro Yamaguchi, Gento Matsumoto, Koga Hirano, Heikichi Harata, Yukimasa Matsuda, Masayoshi Nakajo, Issay Kitagawa, Satoru Miyata, Katsumi Asada, Bunpei Yorifuji

Pages: 480
Dimensions: 105 × 175 mm / 4.1 × 6.8”
Language: Chinese
Binding: Soft Cover
Year: 2019
Design: Wang Zhi-Hong
Publisher: Faces Publications