The Spirit of Chairs: The Chair Collection of Thierry Barbier-Mueller
The Spirit of Chairs: The Chair Collection of Thierry Barbier-Mueller
The Spirit of Chairs: The Chair Collection of Thierry Barbier-Mueller
The Spirit of Chairs: The Chair Collection of Thierry Barbier-Mueller
The Spirit of Chairs: The Chair Collection of Thierry Barbier-Mueller
The Spirit of Chairs: The Chair Collection of Thierry Barbier-Mueller

The Spirit of Chairs: The Chair Collection of Thierry Barbier-Mueller

Lars Müller Publishers
$89.00 USD


ページ: 384
サイズ: 220 x 300 mm
フォーマット: ソフトカバー
言語: 英語
刊行年: 2022
デザイン: Hubertus Design / Jonas Vögeli
出版: Lars Müller Publishers